Sunday 4 March 2012

Contents Page Analysis - Q magazine

This Q magazine's contents page is dated back to 2010, but is still a great representative of typical music magazines, especially Q, that go for this simple and informative layout. The overall design of the contents page is fairly suited to Q magazine's in general, using typical colours such as red and white as the main foreground/background colour scheme. This not only prevents any possible confusion or limitations when reading the contents page, but also separates the readers focus into the three main categories; Features, masthead, and the main image.

The main image, is of course the main focus of the contents page, connoting a rivalry between lead singer from U2 'Bono', and lead singer from Muse 'Matt Bellamy'.  With there being little information on the contents page on who these two individuals actually are, this denotes that the supposed rivalry between the two, or the fact that they are extremely popular musicians, is well known throughout most mediums.

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